Welcome Post for Art Portfolio 1
Hello! Welcome to Art Portfolio term 1, it is a new term that comes with a new energy of inventiveness and expressions. This term I would want to expand on the depths of my personal architectural approach to design and style and hopefully increase my outreach and understanding of some other or similar architectural languages which I previously looked at.
Some of these other architectural languages and expressions could be a background from Sumerian, Gothic or Mesoamerican.
Sumerian architectural examples:
Most ziggurats from ancient Mesopotamian and Babylonian eras have been destroyed, however these are accurate artistic renditions of how they would have appeared.
Mesoamerican architectural examples:
Gothic architectural examples:
Gothic architecture is rude and uncompromising in its scale and great adornment. When looking at it you may have a slight feeling of all its details being too much, but you take a step back and notice its perfection and how it would not be the same if it were done any different. From my perspective, Gothic architecture also makes use of a pyramid like composition or silhouette.
HighBrow (2014), Pre-Columbian Architecture.
Available at:
(Accessed: 3rd August 2021).
Archeyes (2016), Ziggurat Architecture in Mesopotamia.
Available at:
(Accessed: 3rd August 2021).
Abdou, KR. (2017), What We
Can Learn From the Exquisite History and Ornate Aesthetic of Gothic
Available at:
(Accessed: 3rd August 2021).
Picture references:
Archeyes (2016), Ziggurat Architecture in Mesopotamia.
Available at:
(Accessed: 3rd August 2021).
Wikimedia commons, (n.d.), Monument of Dynasty.
Available at:
(Accessed: 3rd August 2021).
Skyscraper city, (n.d.), Historical designs/Utopias/Monuments - Never built.
Available at:
(Accessed: 3rd August 2021).
Available at:
(Accessed: 3rd August 2021).
A good start Olisa. Could you add images to this post of the Sumerian or Gothic architecture that you mention? Remember to add references as well. Also, make sure you post the ice-breaker exercise (self-portrait) & your drawn version of your ideas (Aliens have landed exercise). Remember all the tasks are on Blackboard. You can also check out Zoe’s blog to see an example (go to January): http://neotericphotography.blogspot.com/